Derby City Sport Forum Small Grants now open for applications

Following the decisions made at the sport forum AGM in November to progress with merging the sport forum with the Move More Ambassador Network and open a small grants scheme utilising the remaining funds in the forum account we are now able to announce that we accepting applications for funding from member organisations.

Member organisations of the sport forum can apply for up to £500 to help them to enhance opportunities for people to be physically active or encourage new people to participate in an activity. Some examples of things that organsations could apply for include purchasing equipment, training for coaches/volunteers, marketing materials.

An online application form has been created using Microsoft Forms which we would encourage applicants to use if possible, the application form is now live and can be accessed here:

To support organisations with making an application we have created some guidance notes and FAQ’s which are included below.

Derby City Sport Forum Small Grants guidance and FAQ’s

What cannot be funded

  • Any project or requests for funding from clubs/organisations who were NOT members of the Derby City Sport Forum as of 01/10/2024.
  • Any project or requests for funding that will not mainly benefit people in Derby City.
  • Grants cannot be awarded retrospectively.

Conditions of Grants

  • The grant must be spent by 02/05/2025, any requests for an extension to the grant period must be submitted to Derby City Sport Forum in writing at least 5 working days before this deadline.
  • The applicant will agree to submit an end of grant report to Derby City Sport Forum by no later than 02/05/2025.
  • If the project involves working with young people and/or vulnerable adults, the club/organisation will be required to provide evidence of their relevant policy prior to a grant being awarded

Contact point for advice and information

If you would like to discuss your application prior to submission, please contact:

Alistair Bagnall

Tel: 07423 783577

E-mail: or



Can I get any help in filling in the forms?

Most of the questions on the application form are self-explanatory. However, if you have any specific questions, would like to discuss your application proposal prior to submission or are having difficulty using the Microsoft Forms application form please use the contact details listed above to get in touch with us.

If you have any difficulties completing the form please let us know as this is a live application form which can be edited at any time should any errors or faults be identified.

How will my application be assessed, when is the closing date for application forms and how will I know if my application has been successful?

The Grant Panel consists of the committee of the Derby City Sport Forum, more information available here – Applications will be assessed on their potential impact to enhance opportunities for people to be physically active or encourage new people to participate in an activity.

The panel will assess applications against the criteria specified on the application form before deciding whether the application has been successful. Where there is any conflict of interest between a committee member and an application, (e.g. they are affiliated to applicant organisation) the individual in question will declare their interest and not take part in the review of that application to avoid any bias.

Please note that if we receive a high number of applications, the sport forum committee reserves the right to offer organisations a % of the amount they have requested to enable us to support as many organisations as possible.

The closing date for applications will be 02/02/2025 and a decision will be communicated to applicants not later than 2 weeks after this date.

How will grants be paid?

The Sport Forum will only be able to pay grants by issuing cheques to successful organisations, you will be responsible for ensuring that the cheque is processed with your bank to enable to money to be paid into your organisations account.

Arrangements for handing over cheques to successful organisations will be made with the main contact/relevant person from each organisation separately.

What happens if my application is not successful?

Applications that are deemed unsuccessful will not have been rejected without good reason or without effort to seek clarification on any uncertainties.

If an application is unsuccessful, you will be contacted by Derby City Sport Forum to explain the reason for this and signposted to other available funding opportunities or avenues for support with your project/funding request.

For more information about the current and future status of the sport forum see the following article on our website:

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