Derby City Sport Forum Constitution


The promotion of community participation in healthy, sporting activities on behalf of all types of sports clubs, groups and organisations, in and around the City of Derby.


The DCSF will be open to representatives from all sports clubs, groups and organisations in and around the City of Derby. Each club/group/organisation shall have one voting member. Membership is without cost.

Structure and Working Principles

The DCSF will consist of a committee and its general membership, with the committee structured as follows:
• Chair
• Secretary
• Treasurer
• Vice Chair
• Co-opted members as required

The Forum will act as an independent body and seek also to work closely with Derby City Council and representative sport’s national governing bodies (NGBs) etc.

The treasurer will deal with the Forum’s finances and be a signatory for the on-line account, along with the chair and vice-chair. Any two of the three signatories can sign on behalf of the Forum


A minimum of four Open Meetings will be held each year, either on-line or by rotation through hosting clubs’ venues. A quorum shall consist of 10% of the current voting membership, or a minimum of 6 voting members, whichever is greater.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall normally be held in November (or not later than 15 months from the previous AGM), and the committee will give fourteen days’ notice, with the date, time and venue. An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) can be called by a minimum of 10% of the voting members, with the same notice requirements.


Dissolution of the Forum shall be by a majority vote at an AGM or EGM. Any remaining funds will be donated to a charity to be agreed at the same EGM.

Amendments to the Constitution

Amendments to the constitution shall be by a majority vote at an AGM or EGM.